Sunday, March 13, 2016

Massai Mara

It's hard to know where to begin...

We left early for the 6 hour trip to Masai Mara. Four hours of regular road, one and a half of wash board gravel- at 60 mile speed (wide road but rough!) and the last 30 minutes to the camp completely off road through creeks, etc.  Several times, it took us more than one attempt to get through.

We landed at our rustic camp during generators off time.  Monkeys beat us to our tent and were sitting on top to harass us as we entered. We must stay zipped at all times to keep them out. They are a different kind here than what we saw yesterday. These look like long haired skunks with long legs.

The tents in the camp are "luxury tents" with toilets and hot water showers. Very nice! Let me put it this way...great for two nights, no longer. I am not a "happy camper". We have charcoal powered water and hot water bottles in the bed for warmth.

On our late afternoon drive  we saw elephants, one cheeta, wildebeest, water buffalo, a huge rhino, jackel, a lion ( we heard and saw roar), giraffes, and many zebra!!!! Just incredible! The terrain however, is so rough it makes the ride grueling.  I used my hot water bottles as heating pads!

We returned back to the lodge and had dinner by a campfire complete with guitar player from the local tribe. There are only 10 of us at the camp. The staff here is very small and lovely. For dinner I only ate the vegetables as I am suspect of the type meat.

The night sky was beautiful, and the monkeys playful and plentiful. We are required to have a "guard" walk us to our tent for safety. John goaded him in route saying " well it's not like there is anything around here that could hurt us!"  The man (from the local tribe dressed in his typical red cloth and club, and gum boots) stopped dead in his tracks and said..."LEOPARD".  Okay...well that's settled...the zippers will be tight tonight!

As the power went off, we could hear the animals of Africa get louder and louder throughout the night.  Many, many sounds...and a hyena for sure. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you made it through the night safely!! You have way more courage than I would have. But what an adventure!! XXXX
