Thursday, November 7, 2013

Heat wave, pigeons, and cats

The warmest night in history for Moscow last night!  Today in Ufa it was 10 C  (50 degrees) all day and the SUN came out in the afternoon! 

John was up and out early for his first class starting at 9:30.  Well, it seems early in that the days are getting shorter by the minute and it now doesn't get light until close to 10:00am.  As a result, we are staying up later and later-until around 1:00 - 2:00am) and then sleeping later in the morning.  He came rushing in at noon and said "We gotta go out, it is warm and the SUN is shining!" 

Unfortunately, I was working on presentations for classes tomorrow and the weekend.  Did I mention that university classes run Monday through Saturday???  Several hours later, and after I finished my last "master class" preparation for nursing faculty, not students...I got an email and was told my classes for Saturday would be cancelled. That did it, we're out of here!

We walked and walked looking for scenery we haven't seen before in Ufa.  It was a beautiful day and everyone was out and about.  I can't believe what blue skies (that we hadn't seen in more than a week) can do for the attitude.  We even saw a crescent moon tonight, the very first time we have seen a moon since arriving to Russia!

Before the warm front came through, we had started carrying stale bread with us when we walk.  It's a typical thing to do here, like other cities...feed the pigeons as you cross through the park.  In addition to this, we have started purchasing and carrying cat food with us.  We had noticed a full section of little packages of cat food in the markets.  I thought that this seemed like an extravagant way to purchase cat food, especially when things are often in such short supply.  Now I realize that people purchase the little ones to feed the strays.  We have two cats that we are feeding on a regular basis now that hang out in the park and a nearby alley. 

And the best part is...the birds and cats understand our Russian!

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